D20 Shell

The D20 shell provides the ability for an analyst to interace with the save state of a D20 run. Allowing them to navigate the information gathered and promote any hyps in the data set. If any hyps are promoted to facts, the save state can be resaved and then loaded back into D20 to continue the game. To invoke the shell run d20-shell long with save state file.

The following is the help output of d20-shell

usage: d20-shell [-h] [-c CONFIG]
                [--extra-players [EXTRA_PLAYERS [EXTRA_PLAYERS ...]]]
                [--extra-npcs [EXTRA_NPCS [EXTRA_NPCS ...]]]
                [--extra-actions [EXTRA_ACTIONS [EXTRA_ACTIONS ...]]]
                [--extra-facts [EXTRA_FACTS [EXTRA_FACTS ...]]] [--debug]

d20 Interactive Console

positional arguments:
statefile             Location/file to restore state

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Path to a configuration file that will pass options to
                        players, screens and npcs
--extra-players [EXTRA_PLAYERS [EXTRA_PLAYERS ...]]
                        Directories where extra players may be found
--extra-npcs [EXTRA_NPCS [EXTRA_NPCS ...]]
                        Directories where extra npcs may be found
--extra-actions [EXTRA_ACTIONS [EXTRA_ACTIONS ...]]
                        Directories where extra actionsmay be found
--extra-facts [EXTRA_FACTS [EXTRA_FACTS ...]]
                        Directories where extra factsmay be found
--debug               Enable debugging output
-v, --verbose         Enable verbose output

Running the Shell

The following is an example of how you’d run d20-shell using the savestate file mysave.d20

d20-shell -c ~/myd20confg.yml mysave.d20

After starting the shell an interactive prompt will be shown:

Reading state file, please wait ...
Loading GM ...
d20 >

To get a list of commands you can use type either ? or help:

d20 > ?

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
back  bc  exit  fact  help  hyp  list  object  save

d20 > help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
back  bc  exit  fact  help  hyp  list  object  save

d20 >

To get help on a given command type ? <command>:

d20 > ? list
List available objects or facts
d20 >

If a command requires parameters or is used incorrectly, it will prompt with its proper usage:

d20 > list
list objects|facts|hys
d20 >

Promoting Hyps

The shell is one way a hyp can be promoted into a fact. This allows an analyst to update the knowledge-base, create a new save state and then continue the game using this new information.

The following is an example of promoting a hyp to a fact via the shell:

d20 > list hyps

id | type     | creator    | created
0  | mimetype | TestPlayer | 2018-09-17 13:39:22.881252

d20 > hyp 0
hyp 0 > ?

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
back  children  fact    get   hyp   list    parents  save
bc    exit      fields  help  info  object  promote

hyp 0 > promote
Are you sure? (y/n) y
Hyp Promoted, fact id: 5
d20 > bc
At root
d20 > list hyps
No hyps found
d20 > list facts

id | type     | creator     | created
1  | mimetype | MimeTypeNPC | 2018-09-17 13:39:22.878769
5  | mimetype | TestPlayer  | 2018-09-17 13:39:22.881252
3  | sha256   | HashNPC     | 2018-09-17 13:39:22.902110
0  | md5      | HashNPC     | 2018-09-17 13:39:22.875597
2  | sha1     | HashNPC     | 2018-09-17 13:39:22.887539
4  | ssdeep   | HashNPC     | 2018-09-17 13:39:22.929160

d20 >

Saving a new state

If you’ve modified the data in any way, you can save a new state or overwrite the existing state file using the save command:

d20 > save mysave2.d20
Saving to mysave2.d20 ... Saved
d20 >

Note that if the destination file exists, the shell will prompt to ensure the file is not accidentally overwritten.